About the Clearwater Rating scheme
A Clearwater Rating represents a simply understood measure of the environmental cleanliness of a boat or superyacht. It’s a similar approach to commonly seen ratings viewed by consumers of electrical domestic equipment, house purchasers and car buyers when making informed decisions about their personal environmental footprint.
To obtain a Clearwater Rating we provide a self-assessment calculator, on which you work through a series of logical questions with help screens. When completed, your responses are assessed by us and a rating is issued.
A Clearwater Rating provides:
- a boatbuilder with an unbiased and standardised measure of the environmental credentials of its products
- an owner with benchmarks for the current and future impact of his or her leisure vessel, plus a basis to apply environmental best practice in day-to-day operations
- everyone with confirmation of the cleanliness of a boat or superyacht, whether purchasing, buying, hiring or chartering.
Our mission is to support and promote Clearwater’s objective environmental boat rating system globally and free of commercial bias – for the love of the sea.